
栏目: 移民资讯 发表于:2024-10-05 18:30:34查看: 229


英文释义:To stride like a dragon and tiger,龙行 meaning to have a powerful and intimidating aura, showing confidence and an unspable attitude. It can also describe someone who moves quickly and swiftly, like the flying force of a dragon and tiger.

二:怎么读(音标):lóng xíng hǔ bù (lóng: [lɔŋ], xíng: [ʃiŋ], hǔ: [xu], bù: [bu])



1. 他走路时总是龙行龙行虎步,让人不敢轻易接近。虎步(He always strides like a dragon and tiger when walking,什意思中 making people hesitant to approach him.)

2. 这支球队以龙行虎步的姿态赢得了冠。(This 英文team won the championship with the powerful and unspable force of a dragon and tiger.)

3. 她的表演充满了龙行虎步的气势,令观众印象深刻。解释(Her performance was full of the powerful aura of a dragon and tiger, leaving a deep impression on the audience.)

4. 他在比赛中龙行虎步,轻松地击败了对手。(He moved swiftly and confidently in the game, easily defeating his opponent.)

5. 这位CEO以龙行虎步的姿态领导着公司,让业界都为之震惊。(The CEO leads the company with the powerful and confident force of a dragon and tiger, shocking the industry.)


